Model Performance Hugging Face
AuraFlow text-to-img

SOTA: Hallucination Detection Model

Model About Partners
Lynx Outperformed GPT-4o, Claude3-sonnet, and open-source LLM-as-a-judfe models NVIDIA, MongoDB, Nomic
Company Project About Source
OpenAI Strawberry Advance reasoning and Deep Research
NOMIC Explainable AI


AI Engineer

Agent Engineers qualifications;


Agent engineering in practice


  1. Embedding: represent the real-world objects such as image, words, video in a form that computer can process. Unlike other ML technique, embedding learned from various algorithms such as NN. Which allow the model to learn the similarity of the data in a vector array form.

    For example: OpenAI embedding implementation allows ChatGPT to easily understand the relationship between words and categories instead of just analyzing each word in isolation. With embedding, they achieved an optimum outcome as it produces higher contextually relevant responses to user prompts and questions.